Why Arvind Kejriwal is being attacked regularly

Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Arvind Kejriwal has alleged recently that the attacks are motivated and part of a larger scripted conspiracy. Kejriwal said he apprehended an attack on his life but remained steadfast in his refusal to accept security detail. The latest attack on Kejriwal took place on the last

Try Tetris for many things

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Effect of computor games has many aspects. It is a good pass time but it has addictive side too. Many addicts of the computer game have experienced what is known as the ‘Tetris effect’ or the ‘Tetris syndrome’. In their dreams, many of the Tetris ‘victims’ see falling blocks or buildings

5 places to see before they disappear

Ever heard of doom tourism? This trend involves traveling to threatened destinations. These five natural wonders are endangered because of pollution, climate change, and development. Visit them before they are gone. Maldives This popular tourist destination is an archipelago of 1190 coral islands that are known for their stunning beaches and scuba diving. However, it